# AWS Tasks

This module contains a collection of tasks for interacting with AWS resources.

Note that all tasks require a Prefect Secret called "AWS_CREDENTIALS" that should be a JSON document with two keys: "ACCESS_KEY" and "SECRET_ACCESS_KEY".

# S3Download



(aws_credentials_secret=None, bucket=None, **kwargs)[source]

Task for downloading data from an S3 bucket and returning it as a string. Note that all initialization arguments can optionally be provided or overwritten at runtime.

For authentication, there are two options: you can set a Prefect Secret containing your AWS access keys which will be passed directly to the boto3 client, or you can configure your flow's runtime environment for boto3.


  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY which will be passed directly to boto3. If not provided, boto3 will fall back on standard AWS rules for authentication.
  • bucket (str, optional): the name of the S3 Bucket to download from
  • **kwargs (dict, optional): additional keyword arguments to pass to the Task constructor



(key, aws_credentials_secret=None, bucket=None)[source]

Task run method.


  • key (str): the name of the Key within this bucket to retrieve
  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY which will be passed directly to boto3. If not provided, boto3 will fall back on standard AWS rules for authentication.
  • bucket (str, optional): the name of the S3 Bucket to download from
  • str: the contents of this Key / Bucket, as a string

# S3Upload



(aws_credentials_secret=None, bucket=None, **kwargs)[source]

Task for uploading string data (e.g., a JSON string) to an S3 bucket. Note that all initialization arguments can optionally be provided or overwritten at runtime.

For authentication, there are two options: you can set a Prefect Secret containing your AWS access keys which will be passed directly to the boto3 client, or you can configure your flow's runtime environment for boto3.


  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY which will be passed directly to boto3. If not provided, boto3 will fall back on standard AWS rules for authentication.
  • bucket (str, optional): the name of the S3 Bucket to upload to
  • **kwargs (dict, optional): additional keyword arguments to pass to the Task constructor



(data, key=None, aws_credentials_secret="AWS_CREDENTIALS", bucket=None)[source]

Task run method.


  • data (str): the data payload to upload
  • key (str, optional): the Key to upload the data under; if not provided, a random uuid will be created
  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY which will be passed directly to boto3. If not provided, boto3 will fall back on standard AWS rules for authentication.
  • bucket (str, optional): the name of the S3 Bucket to upload to
  • str: the name of the Key the data payload was uploaded to

# LambdaCreate



(function_name, runtime, role, handler, zip_file=None, bucket="", bucket_key="", object_version=None, description="", function_timeout=3, memorysize=128, publish=True, subnet_ids=None, security_group_ids=None, dead_letter_config=None, environment_variables=None, kms_key_arn="", function_tags=None, tracing_config="PassThrough", layers=None, aws_credentials_secret="AWS_CREDENTIALS", **kwargs)[source]

Task for creating a Lambda function.


  • function_name (str): name of the Lambda function to create
  • runtime (str): the identifier of the function's runtime
  • role (str): the Amazon Resource Name of the function's execution role
  • handler (str): the name of the method within your code that Lambda calls to execute your function
  • zip_file (str): path to zip file containing code for Lambda function, either zip_file or (bucket and bucket_key) must be passed
  • bucket (str): an S3 bucket in the same AWS region as your function
  • bucket_key (str): the Amazon S3 key of the deployment package
  • object_version (str, optional): for versioned S3 objects, the version of the deployment package to use
  • description (str, optional): description of Lambda function
  • function_timeout (int, optional): Lambda function timeout in seconds, default is 3 seconds
  • memorysize (int, optional): amount of memory that Lambda function has access to in MB, must be a multiple of 64 MB, default is 128
  • publish (bool, optional): set to True to publish the first version of the function during creation, defaults to True
  • subnet_ids (List[str], optional): list of subnet ids for vpc configuration
  • security_group_ids (List[str], optional): list of security group ideas for vpc configuration
  • dead_letter_config (dict, optional): a dead letter queue configuration that specifies the queue or topic where Lambda sends asynchronous events when they fail processing
  • environment_variables (dict, optional): key-value pairs of environment variables to pass to the Lambda function
  • kms_key_arn (str, optional): the ARN of the AWS key management service used to encrypt your function's environment variables, if not provided, AWS Lambda uses a default service key
  • function_tags (dict, optional): a list of tags to apply to the function, string to string map
  • tracing_config (str, optional): set to Active to samle and trace a subset of incoming requests with Amazon X-Ray
  • layers (List[str], optional): a list of function layers to add to the function's execution environment, specify each layer by its ARN
  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • **kwargs (dict, optional): additional keyword arguments to pass to the Task constructor




Task run method. Creates Lambda function.


  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • json: response from AWS CreateFunction endpoint

# LambdaDelete



(function_name, qualifier="", aws_credentials_secret="AWS_CREDENTIALS", **kwargs)[source]

Task for deleting a Lambda function.


  • function_name (str): name of the Lambda function to delete
  • qualifier (str, optional): specify a version to delete, if not provided, the function will be deleted entirely
  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • **kwargs (dict, optional): additional keyword arguments to pass to the Task constructor




Task run method. Deletes Lambda function.


  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • dict: response from AWS DeleteFunction endpoint

# LambdaInvoke



(function_name, invocation_type="RequestResponse", log_type="None", client_context=None, payload="null", qualifier="$LATEST", aws_credentials_secret="AWS_CREDENTIALS", **kwargs)[source]

Task to invoke a Lambda function.


  • function_name (str): the name of the Lambda funciton to invoke
  • invocation_type (str, optional): the invocation type of Lambda function, default is RequestResponse other options include Event and DryRun
  • log_type (str, optional): set to 'Tail' to include the execution log in the response
  • client_context (dict, optional): data to pass to the function in the context object, dict object will be transformed into base64 encoded json automatically
  • payload (bytes or seekable file-like object): the JSON provided to Lambda function as input
  • qualifier (str, optional): specify a version or alias to invoke a published version of the function, defaults to $LATEST
  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • **kwargs (dict, optional): additional keyword arguments to pass to the Task constructor



(function_name=None, payload=None, aws_credentials_secret="AWS_CREDENTIALS")[source]

Task run method. Invokes Lambda function.


  • function_name (str): the name of the Lambda funciton to invoke
  • payload (bytes or seekable file-like object): the JSON provided to Lambda function as input
  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • dict: response from AWS Invoke endpoint

# LambdaList



(master_region="ALL", function_version="ALL", marker=None, max_items=50, aws_credentials_secret="AWS_CREDENTIALS", **kwargs)[source]

Task to list Lambda functions.


  • master_region (str, optional): for Lambda@Edge functions, the AWS region of the master function
  • function_version (str, optional): the version of a function, default is 'ALL'
  • marker (str, optional): specify the pagination token that's returned by a previous request to retreive the next page of results
  • max_items (int, optional): specify a value between 1 and 50 to limit the number of functions in the response
  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • **kwargs (dict, optional): additional keyword arguments to pass to the Task constructor




Task fun method. Lists all Lambda functions.


  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • dict: a list of Lambda functions from AWS ListFunctions endpoint

# StepActivate



(state_machine_arn, execution_name, execution_input="{}", aws_credentials_secret="AWS_CREDENTIALS", **kwargs)[source]

Task for activating an AWS Step Function.


  • state_machine_arn (str): the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the state machine to execute
  • execution_name (str): the name of the execution, this name must be unique for your AWS account, region, and state machine for 90 days
  • execution_input (str, optional): string that contains the JSON input data for the execution
  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • **kwargs (dict, optional): additional keyword arguments to pass to the Task constructor




Task run method. Activates AWS Step function.


  • aws_credentials_secret (str, optional): the name of the Prefect Secret that stores your AWS credentials; this Secret must be a JSON string with two keys: ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • dict: response from AWS StartExecution endpoint

This documentation was auto-generated from commit n/a
on May 14, 2020 at 21:12 UTC